MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2020


Species are going extinct at nearly 10,000 times historical rates, and COVID-19 is a direct result of our negative interactions with wild animals around the world. Climate change, development, and illegal poaching are among the primary factors that are negatively impacting our natural resources, increasing human to wildlife conflict, and contributing to overall biodiversity loss. WildTrack is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection of endangered species. It uses non-invasive wildlife monitoring techniques based on indigenous knowledge to track endangered species using footprints. Within this context, WildTrackAI applies cutting-edge computer vision technology to enhance current wildlife tracking techniques in the speed and accuracy of footprint image classification, and delivers an end-to-end integrated solution for footprint tracking. Through this solution, we aim to:

  • Near-term: Improve understanding of wildlife behavior;
  • Mid-term: Improve protection of endangered species; and
  • Long-term: Reduce biodiversity loss, reduce disease transmission to humans, and achieve a sustainable coexistence between humans and wildlife.
Last updated: August 31, 2020