Descriptive World
MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2021

Descriptive World

The mission for Descriptive World is to bring independence to the lives of the over 2 billion people living with visual impairment worldwide. We achieve this by way of the Descriptive World glasses and our smartphone app which are able to describe in detail the surroundings of the user and narrate them in real-time.

Project Outfits is our minimum viable product and is centered on the use case of helping the blind to identify clothing items in order to assemble a matching outfit. Our cloud platform is built on AWS and leverages state-of-the art computer vision models, an NLP model for voice commands and TTS for narration. The user interacts with the system through voice commands and the identified objects are narrated back to the user. The system can identify multiple clothing items concurrently along with their patterns and colors. We hope that our MVP will grow to include additional use cases that will help the visually impaired navigate the world and provide them with independence.

Last updated: December 16, 2021