Ghost Protocol
MICS Capstone Project Fall 2021

GhostPRTCL: Ephemeral Remote Access Solution

Project Overview

The project aims to deliver a prototype of a security-enhanced remote access solution. By leveraging the power of automation and cloud computing, the solution builds a self-hosted ephemeral remote access environment. In less than five minutes, the user can browse the internet with high degrees of privacy and security.

At the end of 14 weeks, the project team will provide:

  • An executable that creates a cloud-based self-destructing remote access environment.
  • A website where end users can learn about the solution and download the executable.
  • A promotional video.

The deliverables will be carried over to the project's second phase which will address the user experience and expanded features and functionality.

Problem Statement

The current state of internet monitoring and surveillance may prevent users from having secure, confidential communications online. The Electronic Frontier Foundation recommends a twelve-step process for individuals to protect their privacy. One of the recommended steps involves the selection of a trusted commercial VPN; however, users may not be able to validate whether a VPN provider is trustworthy in many cases.

Our approach in addressing the issue of VPN trustworthiness is to cut out the VPN service provider and enable the users through automation to create their own private cloud VPN infrastructure.

Project Funding

This effort was supported by UC Berkeley’s Center for Long Term Cybersecurity.


The research team would like to thank the following individuals for their valuable insights and context on the challenges and resources it takes to develop a solution that improves privacy and security against digital mass surveillance:

  • Ryan Liu and Dr. Sekhar Sarukkai - our instructors 
  • Tiffany Radcliff (UC, Berkeley Lecturer for the Citizen Clinic Practicum),
  • Atefeh Namvaryshad (MSc MICS Alumni),
  • Dr. Daniel Aranki( UC Berkeley, Assistant Professor of Practice)
  • Maximilian Hils (MSc Research Assistant, University of Innsbruck),
  • Pascal Issa (UC, Berkeley Lecturer)
Last updated: January 18, 2022