MIMS Final Project 2021


PrivacyBot, a simple way to start exercising your privacy rights.

PrivacyBot is a free and open-source way to delete your data from an exhaustive list of data brokers and people search sites.

The Problem

The largest statewide privacy law change in a generation, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) went into effect in January 2020. However, exercising these privacy rights is a tricky business even for privacy experts. A survey we conducted within a few privacy-related subreddits showed that tracking down data brokers is “a huge pain in the [neck]”.

Our Solution

We introduce “PrivacyBot”, a simple way to start exercising your privacy rights. Our deliverables include:

  • A fully open-source local-only system that automatically routes data delete requests to data brokers and people search sites 
  • User experience research reports about current CCPA processes and feedback
  • Shareable insights and data visualizations about the request process  

Our Methodology

The creation of PrivacyBot is deeply interdisciplinary. Leveraging our diverse background in cybersecurity, engineering, user experience research, and data science:

  • We applied both qualitative and quantitative user research to determine the target audience and product space
  • We utilized our engineering skills to build the API that can be downloaded and run on a consumer's local machine and a Graphic User Interface (GUI) to support the service
  • We leveraged our data visualization skills to tell the story to state regulators  

Together, nearly every major career track that can be furthered through an I School education is represented in the production of this project.

Last updated: May 16, 2021