MICS Capstone Project Spring 2021


Did you know? Reports have shown that “15% of device owners don’t change the default passwords of the devices”. Places like reveal a large number of webcams that are still in default password and essentially broadcasting the image to the whole world. This issue is just the tip of the iceberg. We all know the Mirai malware attack that brought the internet to standstill using IoT deployed botnet.

Do you have a smart device at home and feel concerned if someone is listening to you or watching you? Would you like to see what is on your home network and how secure it is, in a matter of seconds? Well, you are not alone. In the United States, there will be 13.6 of networked devices per person by 2022, and 70% of these IoT products contain security vulnerabilities with, on average, 25 vulnerabilities per device. Chances are you own one of a few of these devices.

SafeBaze scan and review the security and privacy of devices with security scores. User friendly, easy to understand and simple security and privacy report enables our users to view what devices are on their network . We target not just consumer awareness but providing actionable recommendations that empower these users to secure these devices, their network and their data.

Last updated: April 14, 2021