MICS Capstone Project Spring 2022

Digital Citizenship Challenge

Problem Statement 

Children are growing up with digital media and technology at their fingertips, allowing them to learn, create, and discover endless opportunities. With so much access to information, this also creates challenges in keeping children safe. Educators have taken the role of providing Digital Citizenship training, but with the shift into trying to change the culture of learning, creating a positive learning environment on Digital Citizenship has been a challenge.

Project Overview

Our goal is to create an exciting educational and interactive online game for teachers and students to play and learn about key cybersecurity topics. The ETIC game will complement existing curriculum that educators are currently using for digital citizenship lessons.

The first phase developed for the Capstone project will focus on the following:

  • Target audience - 14 year old adolescents (9th graders), existing social media users or online game players
  • Familiarize students about Digital Citizenship, with a focus on Password Security and Privacy

Future enhancements of this game will address additional cybersecurity topics, expand lessons for grades K-12, and different use cases.  


The ETIC team would like to thank and acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their valuable feedback, insights and time to provided to help develop our digital citizenship challenge solution:

  • Ryan K. Liu and Dr. Sekhar Sarukkai - Capstone Project Instructors
  • Nathan Wiebe - Music composer for Digital Citizenship Challenge 
  • Detroit Public High School
  • MICS Fall 2020 Cohort 
  • Cyber.org
  • National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Last updated: April 11, 2022