MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2022

iPowerMiGrid: A Power Demand and Usage Forecasting Engine

Microgrids provide reliable uninterrupted power to the ever-changing connected load. The microgrid industry is growing; with an ever-expanding set of use cases. With a focus on reliability, scalability, and agility, iPowerMiGrid uses data science techniques to forecast power demand. Our SaaS platform provides forecasts ranging from 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes to 24 hours, monthly, and quarterly time frames. These predictions are available as inputs to microgrids focused on optimizing power production (cost per kW). iPowerMiGrid targets various use cases for this industry and provides a configurable, user-friendly interface. Our mission is to bring economies of scale and operational efficiency to our customers.

Last updated: April 21, 2022