MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2022

PageWise: An AI-powered Document Manager

The Problem

Nowadays, businesses heavily rely on digital files to operate. Many businesses have a huge amount of documents in the file repositories, and organizing documents is tedious and time consuming. A recent workplace research study found that 54% of U.S. office professionals reported wasting time searching for much-needed files in cluttered online filing systems. The global pandemic has been changing how businesses operate and workplace productivity has been in heated debate. Based on the research study, “digging for files they need” was one of the top three problems for both office pros and those who support the future of remote work.

What is PageWise?

PageWise is a desktop document organizer that can automatically categorize and move documents to the relevant repositories. Powered by machine learning and natural language processing, PageWise can recognize 10 types of documents that are commonly used in small to large businesses and can generate content summary to minimize the time required to review documents. 

With further development, PageWise’s categorization model could be customized to meet the needs of different organizations. Integration with other software applications such as Tableau and Microsoft Suite or cloud servers such as sharepoint could be added in the future product roadmap.

Market Size Projection

Productivity software market size is projected to reach USD 122.70 Billion by 2028, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 14.49% from 2021 to 2028. PageWise has been developed with the goal to increase workplace productivity by automating recordkeeping and repository organization.

Try it out!

Download our app from PageWise. We have installation and use guide for you. Please feel free to let us know if you have any feedback or questions. We will get back to you promptly.

Last updated: August 4, 2022