MIDS Capstone Project Summer 2022

Pronto Solutions

Want to know when your customers need service?

Pronto does that for you.

Pronto is a solution for restaurants to improve the detection of dining events, prioritize wait staff actions, and enable effortless service management. With our cutting edge technology, Pronto tells you exactly when your restaraunt patrons need attention.

No buttons, no gimicks. Straight service.

Real Time Understanding

Pronto provides restaraunts with a real time understanding of diner status. From sit-down to clean-up, Pronto lets you know exactly when your patrons need you the most.

How does it work?

Pronto understands social cues at an individual table level and helps you make informed decisions by serving restaurants with data exactly how you need it. Pronto has a customizable backend to allow each individual restaurant adapt to their clients' needs. 

More Information

Last updated: August 2, 2022