MICS Capstone Project Spring 2022


Problem Statement

The problem is lack of awareness and understanding on how much personalized information is actively shared with, collected, and disseminated by social media and IoT platforms. Furthermore, there lacks consistency in the way that security and privacy settings are displayed on each social media platform. This makes it difficult for users to understand and keep track of their preferences.

Project Overview

Our website will enable users to easily control privacy and information sharing settings on all social media and IoT platforms. Users will be guided to complete a short questionnaire which is backed by a custom risk algorithm. Based on the responses to the questionnaire, our risk algorithm will output a risk profile that is tied to specific social media privacy settings based on the different platforms the user has an account with. Through the use of web APIs, in a future state, once the user agrees with our recommendation we will automatically push these settings out to the various platforms so that the user does not have to themselves.


The research team would like to thank our professors Ryan Liu and Dr. Sekhar Sarukai for their valuable insights and feedback that helped us create a better solution to tackle modern day social media and privacy concerns.

Last updated: March 29, 2022