MIDS Capstone Project Fall 2022


The SUSPECTS (Social User Scoring Prediction Engine for Correlating Targets for Stocks) Tool gives financial regulators to evaluate social media at-scale to identify potential users that may be illegally influencing the stock market, as well as provide insight into companies that may turn into the next "meme stock".

Social media has emerged as a tool used by many to discover financial news and provide the oportunity for people to influence others, giving rise to the term "meme stocks".

Financial regulators such as the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) need all of the help they can get to ensure a level playing field for all participating in stock markets.

This information can than be leveraged by these regulators in combination with their existing methodologies to ensure the markets are not being illegally manipulated.

The tool also facilitates the discovery of companies that may be at-risk of turning into a meme stock based on social media user behavior, better preparing regulators to anticipate issues, rather than having to do discovery afterwards.

Last updated: December 7, 2022