MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2023


Project Overview

enRoute aims to provide runners - particularly female runners - with the information needed to plot out safe running routes. We do so via a mobile app that enables runners to plot out running routes on an integrated map. Users can see visual information such as which roads have a sidewalk on one side, both sides, or no sides of the road. They can additionally choose whether they will be running when it’s light or dark out, and see additional information - such as the location of streetlights - if they choose to run when it’s dark.

We provide a calculated safety score for the overall route which utilizes data regarding historical motor vehicle collisions with pedestrians at intersections and locations of assault crimes. Our pilot project focuses on the city of Toronto, utilizing data from its Open Data Portal. 

Project Acknowledgements

We'd like to thank our MIDS capstone instructors Joyce Shen and Fred Nugen for thier feedback and guidance, as well as the runners in the Austin Runners Club for their invaluable participation and feedback in developing the MVP prototype of our product. 

More Information

Last updated: April 24, 2023