MICS Capstone Project Spring 2023


What is Manifest?

  • An API driven Service-Catalog providing a single source of truth for service to team attribution with accompanying metadata about each team, service, and the mapping between them. We are defining a service as any modular component or system of components that provide a service to another technology team within an organization.

Who Is Manifest For?

Organizations that fit the below criteria will extract the most value from Manifest:

  • Technology organizations that follow a micro-service architecture
  • Organizations that have more than 1 service or infrastructure stack
  • Multiple engineering teams each responsible for a discrete component or capability

Manifest Features

  • CRUD Actions against Teams and Services
  • UUID tag creation for each object making it simple to integrate into public cloud environments
  • Flexible metadata model so your organization can store the data you need
  • Automated migration from spreadsheet inventory to Manifest
  • Access control security with RBAC using JWT tokens for precision authorization
  • Containerized for ultimate versatility and scalability
  • FAST!
  • Single source of truth for all your cloud and datacenter resources

More Information

Last updated: April 4, 2023