MIMS Final Project 2023


Team members
Simin Mahaleh (MPH)

MYND is an app designed to empower users to be proactive about their mental health by monitoring the user's mental wellbeing. The app will automatically check in on the user and provide countermeasures when they are in distress by providing personalized resources through the novel approach of just-in-time adaptive interventions: recommending the appropriate amount of help when it is most needed.

Learn more on our website

Read about the app's features and benefits at myndapp.webflow.io.

The Problem

A growing number of Americans are struggling with some type of mental health illness with each passing year. In 2022, 19.86%—an equivalent of 50 million Americans—were reported to be experiencing mental illness. Mental illness and symptoms of mental illness are in most cases a part of the equation when assessing death by suicide. Beyond an individual and their immediate family, mental health issues also have a ripple effect on the community and country as a whole, with an estimated 12% of all emergency room visits resulting from struggles with mental health. We therefore aim to significantly reduce the number of mental health crises by providing a mental health resource that proactively assesses the user's day-to-day mental health and empowers them to take control of their lives.¹

The Solution

We propose MYND, an app that monitors a user’s mental wellbeing and automatically checks in with the user to provide suitable interventions when anxiety or distress is detected. This is achieved through the use of a unique first-of-its-kind algorithm that accurately monitors mental wellbeing in real time. The mental health sensing algorithm is compiled with data from the user's smartphone or wearable (i.e. the Apple watch), which will calculate a daily mental health score based on monitored parameters and offer timely personalized help as needed.

The goal is to proactively check in on the user by sending out push notifications. If the user confirms the identified distress, MYND will directly provide help through the following measures:

  • An evidence-based risk assessment to evaluate the intensity of the crisis and to estimate the suicide risk in order to ensure that the user is safe.
  • Fast-track to coping mechanisms for immediate relief, tailored to the respective individual to ensure swift support for their situation. MYND also will provide customized resources as well as hotlines, specific websites addressing the user’s problem, support groups, and therapeutic offers that match the user's location, language, and budget.

Additionally, MYND provides a summary report on a user’s mental health readings, creating a new level of awareness by showing the user the specific locations and daytimes when they are more likely to experience triggers for distress.

Our Capstone Goal

Our MIMS team will deliver on the visual design, user experience / user interface design, and product management. These deliverables include but are not limited to:

  • Visual Design
    • Logo & Branding, Pitch Deck, Pitch Deck Template (PPT), Pitch Video, Product Website Design, Website development
  • UX/UI Design
    • UX Journeys, Application User Interface, Prototype, Product Design, Front-end Development
  • Product Management
    • Product Requirement Document, Product Roadmap (6-month), Project Management

¹ https://mhanational.org/issues/state-mental-health-america

Last updated: May 15, 2023