MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2023


We combine AI generated synthetic data, network data, and visualizations to deliver views of potential threats of the future that security teams can take action on today.

Cyber crime as the 3rd largest economy after U.S. and China at $6T USD. Publicly available cyber defense solutions are based on data that can be decades old and cannot keep pace with cyber criminals who are growing more sophisticated. Today, companies utilize cyber security providers and security teams to detect and emulate cyber attacks in a network. We generate emerging attack paths within systems to enable faster and cheaper threat discovery, specifically for endpoint based events (eg. mobile devices, servers) and advanced persistent threats (credential harvesting, shellcode injection, & lateral movement). 

The resources below include:

  1. an interactive dashboard illustrating malicious attack paths within a network
  2. slides from our presentation with more detail on methology
Last updated: April 26, 2023