MICS Capstone Project Fall 2023


SpectraGuard is an innovative wireless security system transforming the monitoring and protection of wireless networks for Network Operations Teams, Cybersecurity Teams, and Security Operations Centers (SOCs). Addressing the challenges posed by the widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, SpectraGuard provides a comprehensive solution for securing managed and unmanaged wireless assets. It offers visibility across various wireless standards such as Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth, and Cellular networks.


Improved Threat Detection: Enhance network security and provide Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

Enhanced Wireless Situational Awareness: Use sensor fusion to improve the situational awareness of security teams, aiding in both strategic and tactical decision-making for the wireless device landscape.

Minimized Threat Surface: Reduce exposure due to shadow IT and external threats like Wardriving and Wireless Advanced Persistent Threats (WAPT).

Key Features

Multi-Standard Monitoring: Supports 802.11a/b/c/g/n (Wi-Fi), 802.15.1 (Bluetooth), 802.15.4 (Zigbee), 4G LTE and 5G; detecting a diverse array of devices and potential threats.

Sensor Fusion: Integrates Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Bluetooth an Cellular sensors, offering insights on the wireless environment in and around a facility.

Real-Time Alerts and Reporting: Provides instant notifications and detailed reports on detected threats, ensuring timely responses to potential security breaches through the use of an asynchronous task queue and message broker.

Intuitive Dashboard: Features a user-friendly Web UI that displays real-time data, system status, and analytical insights, tailored to the needs of SOC personnel for intuitive monitoring and management of the system.

Advanced Data Processing: Utilizes real-time packet analysis and edge processing to provide insights.

Scalable and Secure Architecture: Built on containers, platform functions sit on a device with a custom hardened OS, ensuring secure, scalable, and consistent deployment across various environments.

Rugged Hardware: Built on a ruggedized, fanless form factor with DC power for safe deployment in even the most demanding of environments.

Uses Cases

  • Rogue Wireless Device Detection
  • Asset Compliance Monitoring
  • Continuous Wireless Threat Exposure Management
Last updated: December 7, 2023