MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2023


Tracer, an innovative app solution designed to revolutionize the way you capture memorable moments in non-professional sports and social events. With Tracer, you can effortlessly record the action and excitement in real-time, transforming the way you experience and preserve your favorite events.

Problem & Motivation

Capturing memorable moments in non-professional sports and social events can be challenging, especially when the action is fast-paced or spontaneous. Traditional recording methods often result in missed moments, shaky footage, or difficulty focusing on the subject. Tracer is an innovative app solution designed to address these issues, providing an effortless and enjoyable experience for users to record and share their favorite events in real-time.

Data Source & Data Science Approach

Tracer leverages deep learning algorithms and computer vision techniques to identify and follow subjects in real-time. The app continuously adapts to the user's environment, optimizing tracking sensitivity, focus options and settings to ensure smooth and precise footage capture.


The effectiveness of Tracer's technology and user experience can be evaluated through user testing, feedback, and comparison with traditional recording methods. Metrics such as tracking accuracy, ease of use, and user satisfaction will be considered to assess the app's performance and areas for improvement.

Key Learnings & Impact

Tracer has the potential to transform the way users capture memorable moments in non-professional sports and social events. By harnessing advanced object tracking technology and providing a user-friendly interface, Tracer can significantly enhance the recording experience, making it easier and more enjoyable for users to preserve and relive their cherished memories.


We would like to thank our class instructors and classmates for their valuable feedback, which helps us continually improve and enhance Tracer's features and capabilities.

Last updated: March 24, 2023