MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2023

Who's Winning the Space Race?

Why we built this

The cost of sending items to space has decreased by orders of magnitude with reusable rockets, and as a result, more companies are launching things into space. 

The large number of new space companies popping up over the past few years and the fragmentation of the supply chain makes it difficult to see what different countries and companies are working on. 

Before our product, there was no comprehensive solution for potential investors or governments to easily analyze the state of the industry.

What we do

Our Mission is to visualize the space industry for potential institutional investors in a digestible format.

Our product incorporates data from past and future launches with satellites in orbit, to create a dynamic and intuitive visualization for technical or non-technical users.

Product Features

Geographic Summary: Navigate through world map function and zone in on satellites by a selected country

Launch Summary: Overview of all launches and its associated rates, distribution by organization, prices, payloads & more

Satellite Summary: Overview of all satellites and its associated contractors, purpose, launch vehicle, & more

Company & Government Level Information: Launches & Satellite information for top participating organizations

Last updated: April 24, 2023