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MICS Capstone Project Summer 2024

Base Camp: Security Posture Assessment Tool

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Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face increasing cyber threats and stringent regulatory requirements but often lack the support and expertise in cybersecurity. Most rely on limited and expensive third-party companies to manage known issues or identify requirements. This leaves them susceptible to breaches, compromise, and non-compliance penalties. Simply understanding your current security posture is an advantage most SMBs do not have the luxury of. This tool addresses these critical needs by enabling SMBs to:

  1. Evaluate Cybersecurity Posture: Our tool provides a structured way for SMBs to assess their current security measures, empowering them to identify and address weaknesses and thereby take control of their cybersecurity. Ensure Regulatory Compliance: Helps businesses adhere to standards and avoid penalties.
  2. Build Trust: Enhances credibility with partners and customers by demonstrating a commitment to cybersecurity.
  3. Optimize Resource Allocation: Offers targeted recommendations that make the most of limited resources.
  4. Stay Ahead of Threats: Keeps businesses informed about potential vulnerabilities and proactive measures to mitigate risks.

This tool provides customers with a method to evaluate their security posture by scoring their risks. Providing the customer with their security triad levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In turn, providing recommendation in methods they may safeguard their operations, protect sensitive data, and meet regulatory demands. 

Translating the complexity of a security assessment in a simplistic tool makes it highly valuable for SMBs. Items are manageable and actionable. This simplicity is key for SMBs, as it boosts their confidence in managing cybersecurity, ensuring business continuity and growth.

The tool is a user friendly, secure web-based application. This ensures accessibility from any company location and provides the confidence in the user to utilize the product with little to no experience in IT security. Enabling SMBs to monitor and improve their cybersecurity measures effectively.

The tool integrates established cybersecurity frameworks, such as NIST guiding users through a structured and comprehensive assessment process. 

The implementation includes:

  1. Framework Integration: Utilizes NIST to provide a standardized approach to cybersecurity assessment.
  2. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis: This method combines numerical data and employee feedback to give a holistic view of the cybersecurity posture.
  3. Comprehensive Reporting: Generates detailed reports that outline current security status, highlight vulnerabilities, and offer actionable recommendations.
  4. Secure Access: Ensures data is protected and accessible only to authorized users, maintaining confidentiality and integrity.
  5. Scalability and Updates: The web-based platform allows easy updates and scalability, ensuring the tool evolves with emerging threats and regulatory changes.

More Information

Last updated: July 24, 2024