MIMS Final Project 2024

REEL.ATABLE: Discover Yourself Through Movies


It is no surprise that understanding oneself is a necessity for leading a fulfilling and purposeful life. Research has consistently shown that self-awareness is linked to increased resilience, improved relationships, and greater overall well-being. By fostering a deeper connection with oneself, individuals are better equipped to navigate life's challenges, pursue their passions, and cultivate meaningful connections with others.


Many traditional self-assessment tools such as online tests offer simplistic assessments that fail to capture the complexity and nuances of human experiences. Additionally, they lack the interactive and engaging features that motivate users to actively participate in the assessment process. Without meaningful engagement, users may quickly lose interest, leading to inaccurate or incomplete results. Our project aims to help users understand themselves better in an engaging manner. We want to bridge the gap between traditional self-assessment methods and engaging self-understanding experiences.


Relatable gives users a space to explore themselves by engaging with their favorite movies in an introspective way. We have uniquely integrated cinema and psychology, allowing users to gain valuable insights into their own beliefs, strengths, desires and flaws. By analyzing character traits, thematic elements, and narrative arcs, users can uncover parallels between the stories on screen and their own lived experiences. 

Harnessing the exponential capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), we've curated an extensive database of movies enriched with their psychological characteristics. As users select their preferred movies, our unique algorithm finds patterns within these characteristics, providing insightful reflections on their psychological traits. Additionally, users can receive tailored movie recommendations based on the specific characteristics they resonate with most deeply.

After using Reelatable, users report feeling enlightened and empowered, gaining new perspectives on their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Last updated: May 10, 2024