Embedded RFID and Everyday Things: A Case Study of the Security and Privacy Risks of the U.S. e-Passport

Marci Meingast, Jennifer King, Deirdre Mulligan. "Embedded RFID and Everyday Things: A Case Study of the Security and Privacy Risks of the U.S. e-Passport". IEEE International Conference on RFID, March 2007.


New applications for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology include embedding transponders in everyday things used by individuals, such as books, payment cards, and personal identification. While RFID technology has existed for decades, these new applications carry with them substantial new privacy and security risks for individuals. These risks arise due to a combination of aspects involved in these applications: 1) The transponders are permanently embedded in objects individuals commonly carry with them 2) Static data linkable to an individual is stored on these transponders 3) The objects these transponders are embedded in are used in public places where individuals have limited control over who can access data on the transponder. In 2002, the U.S. Department of State proposed the adoption of an
Last updated: September 20, 2016