A comparative study of speech and dialed input voice interfaces in rural India

Neil Patel, Sheetal Agarwal, Nitendra Rajput, Amit Nanavati, Paresh Dave and Tapan S. Parikh, "A Comparative Study of Speech and Dialed Input Voice Interfaces in Rural India", Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems, ACM, New York, NY (2009)


In this paper we present a study comparing speech and dialed input voice user interfaces for farmers in Gujarat, India. We ran a controlled, between-subjects experiment with 45 participants. We found that the task completion rates were significantly higher with dialed input, particularly for subjects under age 30 and those with less than an eighth grade education. Additionally, participants using dialed input demonstrated a significantly greater performance improvement from the first to final task, and reported less difficulty providing input to the system.


Last updated: September 20, 2016