GANArtworks In the Mood

YuLing Chen, Colorado Reed, Hongsuk Nam, Kevin Jun, Chenlin Ye, Joyce Shen, and David Steier. 2021. "GANArtworks In the Mood," presented at NeurIPS Workshop in Machine Learning for Creativity and Design. 2021


In home decoration, an artwork with a particular combination of colors can convey a positive mood that improves psychological health. In our work, we leverage emotion to color mapping techniques and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to generate artwork that brings a room into a more positive mood. We create a unique workflow to extract the color scheme from a room photo, convert it to an image with target colors that represent the desired positive mood, and then use a conditional GAN to generate artwork with fine control of the color. In this paper, we share our emotion to color mapping pipeline, GAN model training, and evaluation results on the generated artworks.


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Last updated: June 12, 2024