Concepts of Information Management


1-3 units

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This course is not currently offered.

Course Description

A historically-informed examination of the origins, evolution, ambiguities and intellectual and semantic trends of the primary concepts in Information Management. The course enables students to become fluent in the central ideas, assumptions and vocabulary of the field in an inclusive, historically informed way, aware of ambiguities, nuances, disputes and intellectual issues. The course helps build the field of Information Management, internally and internationally, by addressing, systematizing and questioning its ideas, concepts and terminology at an important moment in its evolution.

The course materials might produce a publication on the model of Raymond Williams' book Keywords: A Vocabulary of Culture and Society (short, historically informed essays on the origins and evolution of 150 key terms in that field), perhaps published by SIMS on the Web.

The potential market for this course includes theory minded Ph.D. and Master's students within SIMS, and a wider audience if properly promoted. Credits variable depending upon student needs.


Last updated: January 10, 2017