Wireless Communications


3 units

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Course Description

This is a Related Course of the MOT program.

No other technology in the history of this planet has proliferated as quickly to as many people as the mobile phone.  Within only two decades of commercial deployment, worldwide mobile phone subscriber population (over 2.5 billion) and annual unit shipments (approaching one billion) have surpassed those of fixed-line phones, television sets, personal computers, and fixed-line internet connections.  Yet, despite this explosive growth, few segments within the information technology industry have proven as challenging as wireless for new entrants (whether startups or industry giants such as Intel and Microsoft).    In this course, students will analyze the role of regulatory, technological, economic, and market forces in shaping wireless industry structure, value chain, business and operating models, competitive dynamics, and barriers to entry.  Special emphasis is placed on identifying new opportunities and understanding the challenges for startups and other new entrants.  In the context of this course, wireless communications encompasses voice, data, and video services (including broadcasting) offered over terrestrial and satellite networks.  Given its size and relative impact, well over half of the course will be devoted to cellular markets and technologies.  There are no prerequisites beyond graduate student standing but material is drawn from a variety of disciplines including public policy, law, economics, finance, marketing, engineering, and physics.

The topics covered include:

  • Spectrum policy and regulation
  • Technology standards and infrastructure
  • Mobile handsets
  • Business and operating models for wireless network operators
  • Marketing and pricing of wireless services
  • Devices and applications
  • Cellular markets and competitive strategy
  • Cellular markets in developing countries
  • Broadcasting and content delivery
  • Broadband wireless access
  • Emerging applications and business models for wireless services

    BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH:  Dr. Reza Moazzami has over fifteen years of experience as an engineer, entrepreneur, and investor in the communications industry. Dr. Moazzami received B.S. with highest honors, M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from UC Berkeley, and an MBA from the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He holds eleven patents and has been a speaker at numerous technology industry conferences and leading universities.

    Course Syllabus (pdf)



Last updated: January 10, 2017