Data Science 209

Data Visualization

(Spring 2021)

Project Gallery

The goal of our project was to create a visual representation of the most pertinent information for purchasing a home or property in the metro Phoenix area.…
Casual beer drinker interested in trying a new beer style?  Try the Beer Style Finder!
Chess players and enthusiasts of all levels can come learn more about the openings that are best for them!
Is the college you attend underreporting covid cases?
2013-2021 California wildfire visualization
Data-centric Art Museum! 
Are all the meetings you attend worth spending time?  Are they affecting your personal life, are they practical, and do they come cost-effectively? Let us…
Viz tool to understand oil reported production rankings per company, area, wells and location during mergers, acquisitions and daily operations.
A narrative about ageism and sexism in Hollywood over time