Student Project

r/Wallstreetbets: An Exploration

We are a group of data scientists who, like many others, have a developed a strong curiosity in the magic and intrigue of r/wallstreetbets. Being the data scientists we are, we have sought out to develop a practical visualization to be used by traders, Redditors, and anyone looking to learn more about the Subreddit. In this visualization, we have taken the top 20 most mentioned tickers since Feb. 2019 (relative to the number of subscribers of r/wallstreetbets) and have created a visualization dashboard regarding these tickers. This dashboard allows the user to inspect the daily top 10 posts (by score) mentioning that ticker juxtaposed to both the price and volume of said ticker. We also have utilized sentiment analysis using FinBERT ( to show the average sentiment surrounding the ticker every day. Enjoy!

Last updated: April 14, 2021