Coin Predictor
MIDS Capstone Project Spring 2018

CoinPredictor: One Stop Bitcoin Insights Tool

Bitcoin presents significant challenges for traders and regulators: current market tools don't provide full support for trading, monitoring, and forecasting; the traditional cart model doesn't work in such a volatile market; and both price and non-price information needs to be integrated.

CoinPredictor is an advanced forecast and analysis service, which incorporates a unique combination of signals not available in any other single source.

  • Bitcoin Market Info: Hashrate, Active Workers, and Block Length
  • Time Series Prediction: 1 minute and 10 minute price forecasts
  • Public Interest-Based Prediction: 10 minute projections based on Google Trends interest levels
  • Flast Events Decomposition: Market move ratios and danger signals
Last updated: April 24, 2018