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The Sony safe harbor survived a tough challenge before the Supreme Court.
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In 2003, the world produced about 800MB of information for each man, woman, and child on earth. Much of this information, such as supermarket scanner data and the like, is pretty dull. But some of it, such as the material contained in books, magazines, newspapers, movies, music, and family photos, is potentially of great interest to people.
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The rapid advance in information technology now makes it feasible for sellers to condition their price offers on consumers' prior purchase behavior. In this paper we examine when it is profitable to engage in this form of price discrimination when consumers can adopt strategies to protect their privacy.

Our baseline model involves rational consumers with constant valuations for the goods…
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By 2000, over one-third of Silicon Valley’s high-skilled workers were foreign-born, and overwhelmingly from Asia. These U.S.-educated engineers are transforming developmental opportunities for formerly peripheral regions as they build professional and business connections to their home countries. In a process more akin to “brain circulation” than “brain drain,” these engineers and…

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What will the Supreme Court do in MGM v. Grokster? How will this decision affect you?
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Although paper plays an essential role in many information ecologies in the developing world, paper-based record keeping can be inefficient and inflexible. The CAM document-processing framework, so called because the phoneýs built-in digital camera plays a key role in the user interface, exploits smart mobile phonesý utility, usability, and growing ubiquity to link paper with modern information…
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Congressional proposals to regulate infringement-enabling technologies are described and the implications discussed.