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Microfinance, the provision of financial services to poor and under-served communities, has emerged as one of the most promising avenues for stimulating rural economic development through local enterprise. In this paper we will discuss some of the major technology gaps faced by rural microfinance institutions, focusing on areas that are most important for the future growth of the industry. This…
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CAM is a user interface toolkit that allows a camera-equipped mobile phone to interact with paper documents. It is designed to automate inefficient, paper-intensive information processes in the developing world. In this paper we present a usability evaluation of an application built using CAM for collecting data from microfinance groups in rural India. This application serves an important and…
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IEEE Classification: Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Information Systems, Information Retrieval

mReplay (short for "mobile replay") is a solution to an intriguing problem: individuals attending sporting events have less information than those watching the same game on television. On television commentators discuss what is happening and plays can be replayed. In football, for…

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Striping is a resource aggregation technique that can improve application performance for a multihomed host by utilizing multiple interfaces. In this position paper, we argue in favor of decoupling striping primitives from all of the traditional layers of the networking protocol stack, and instead resurrecting the session layer for striping. Session layer striping indeed allows applications to…
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Computing in India is usually a multiuser experience. Poor people might only rarely physically access a computing device. Most often, they interact with information resources via a proxy, an empowered user with the required access rights and skills. A taxonomy of interaction scenarios shows a continuum of intermediation--the degree to which such secondary users directly access the user interface…
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Should software developers be required to include infringement-inhibiting components such as filters in their technologies?