Storytelling for Your UX Portfolio


2 units

Course Description

How do you create a concise and compelling User Experience portfolio? Applying the principles of effective storytelling to make a complex project quickly comprehensible is key. Your portfolio case studies should articulate the initial problem, synopsize the design process, explain the key decisions that moved the project forward, and highlight why the solution was appropriate. This course will include talks by several UX hiring managers who will discuss what they look for in portfolios and common mistakes to avoid.

Students should come to the course with a completed project to use as the basis for their case study; they will finish with a completed case study and repeatable process. Although this class focuses on UX, students from related fields who are expected to share examples and outcomes of past projects during the interview process (data science, product management, etc.) are welcome to join.

Before Fall 2018, this course was taught for 1 unit. In the expanded 2-unit version of this class, students can expect more practice giving in-person presentations of their work.


Graduate status at the School of Information; or graduate status in another UC Berkeley department and permission of instructor
Last updated: March 26, 2018