MIDS Capstone Projects: Fall 2023

A World for Every Child is focused on improving childhood cancer diagnosis rates for underserved children using machine learning.
AntibodyGPT is a generative AI model tailored for fast generation of diverse, human-like antibody sequences against specific antigens, aiming to accelerate the…
Process PDFs of scientific papers into structured data, Fast, with accurate results, easy to implement, and expandable and modular.
An ML software extension for aircraft providing contrail forecasting for faster decisions to re-route aircraft, reducing contrail effects on global warming.
Conversationally, an AI language tutor, bridges the gap between memorization and conversation, transitioning learners to natural exchanges.
Conversationally, an AI language tutor, bridges the gap between memorization and conversation, transitioning learners to natural exchanges.
CrowdStop.AI is a crowd monitoring system designed to alert authorities when crowd densities approach critical levels across a camera network.
Enterprise Code Generation is a framework focused on assisting software developers by fine-tuning code generation for proprietary codebases.
Unlock the power of NLP with the cutting-edge ESG mapper. Our mission is to revolutionize Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings in investment…
Eye Robot Pro and Eye Robot Lite are iOS apps designed to help vocally guide visually impaired users to navigate indoor environments using just their…
Handwriting for Hope is a platform designed in hopes of scaling handwriting analysis to enable early detection of Alzheimer's disease.
Welcome to HealthDiaryAI, a pioneering health tech platform poised to transform the landscape of chronic disease management. Our innovation focuses on…
Revolutionizing glaucoma detection with cutting-edge AI: precise, fast, and non-invasive analysis of fundus images for better patient outcomes. Committed…
Automated HCC Coding and Medicare Risk Adjustment Prediction for Healthcare Cost Estimation
We generate up-to-date, high-resolution ground level estimates of nitrogen dioxide pollution for Louisiana using Deep Learning to address residents’ concerns…
Step into the realm of visual authenticity with Luminare – a groundbreaking service that not only reveals the complexities of deepfake manipulation but also…
MeetingGPT is committed to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of virtual meetings by providing a cutting-edge NLP solution. Our mission is to…
Mentony is a proof of concept for a mental health buffer chatbot. It focuses on Black American mental health and aims to provide culturally responsive…
MovieMood uses your Spotify playlist to recommend movies that match your mood & taste preferences.
Large Language Models (LLMs) were used to analyze classroom transcripts to predict teacher discourse moves.
This research introduces a framework that combines knowledge distillation and adversarial learning for model compression while addressing debiasing.…
Your AI-powered jam band, enabling aspiring music creators to use AI and machine learning in the music creation process.
Understand the drivers of fraud in the $1.2T COVID-19 Paycheck Protection Program and view ranked loans via our interactive dashboard.
Unlock the secrets of ancient Japanese texts with Restor-AI-tion—a revolutionary blend of AI and history, making legacies accessible at the click of a button.
<p>Satire Spotter: AI-driven tool transforming how we detect satire from truth in digital media, enhancing clarity and reducing misinformation.</p>
Second Sight is an app designed to provide a mobile text reading experience for users with presbyopia, a condition that makes it hard for middle-aged and older…
Investment portfolios with specific Environment, Social, and Government (ESG) mandates such as Article 9 funds are attracting a lot of capital. EU regulators…
Our mission is to improve people's lives with early ASD diagnoses - powered by AI utilizing eye-tracking scanpaths and machine learning technology 
AI will transform everything shopping will be one of those areas where we will really feel it come to life.  Today users often have to go through search…
Meet Sibyl, our AI Cybersecurity Copilot—streamlining compliance, empowering experts 24/7. Upload regulations, get Q&A, and summaries.
We are interpreting continuous American Sign Language (ASL) and translating it to multiple languages in real time.
SignSense is a catalyst for connection, breaking barriers by translating American Sign Language into English text. Through advanced video action recognition…
Skill Sage is a tool that utilizes Sentence Transformers to elevate a person's resume and enhance content for optimal visibility and impact.
At Wave Amplify, we are democratizing finance for artists and creators by deploying an automated credit decisioning model that utilizes advanced machine…
Detect wildfires and empower insurance companies for improved risk management